Anniversary celebration, foodie and fishing adventures continue…. this time…. in Guyana! As with many first time visits to a ‘foreign’ country, the anxiety and curiosity levels will be high. If you are wondering why I chose Guyana, well to be honest, Caribbean Airlines was offering a special on trips to certain destinations. Guyana was one…


Wedding anniversaries are a reason for celebration right?…. What better way to celebrate than a Sunday Brunch! Get ready and let’s head to the southern part of the beautiful island of Trinidad to a popular restaurant called ‘KRAVE’ Reservations (recommended) were made for 11am and you bet we were on time! Lol. We were pretty…

PASTA, RICE, PIZZA – CUBA (February 2018)

Monday in Trinidad: Doubles with heavy pepper for breakfast. Tuesday in Cuba: Toast bread and egg. Food culture shock was in effect! Cuban food is a combination of Spanish, African, Native American and Caribbean cuisine. When I think about Cuban food…and especially after frequenting some Cuban restaurants in Miami, I imagine frijoles negros (black beans)…


Pack your bags..Grab a map and learn some Spanish/Espanol!!!….LET’S GET READY FOR CUBA! A 3 hour and 45 mins flight from Trinidad via Caribbean Airlines leads you directly to the Spanish speaking country located northwest of our twin island republic. I know that you are super excited to get there, but before you land and…

GRENADA (January, 2018)

Grenada! You were sooo amazing the last time I visited that I needed to visit again! First trip for 2018 was to the beautiful Spice Isle! To be honest, I feel like I’m at home when I’m on this gorgeous island! It’s like a small Trinidad!💖 Wondering how this trip went? Well…. continue reading! 😀…


KnBreakfast during the week usually consists of eggs and toast or cereal. Weekends I tend to be a little more in the ‘breakfast making’ mood so this weekend I decided to make one of my favorite things… BHAIGAN CHOKA (or as my hubby jokingly calls it “Eggplant Souffle) and sada roti! Yum! Bhaigan choka is…

GRENADA FOOD SPOTS (November, 2017)

It was time to head to a beautiful Caribbean Island and what better spot to choose than GRENADA, commonly known as the SPICE ISLE,  which is located just a mere 40 mins northwest of Trinidad and Tobago. This trip was scheduled for only 4 days so being the foodie that I am, I knew I…

LOBSTER LINGUINE (Sail’s Restaurant, Grenada)

When you think about having lunch at a restaurant/food spot on an island I’m sure you envision an ocean view while eating right? Well that’s certainly my ideal idea of lunch when visiting any island! You can never get too much of a beach view! At Sails Restaurant, which is conveniently located in Carenage, Grenada,…

CONCH/LAMBIE day (Umbrellas, Grenada)

There are a few things you MUST do when you visit the Spice Isle…. one of them is to ensure you have some lambie/conch at some point in time! Our lunch spot today was the popular Umbrella’s Restaurant located just about 10 mins away from the Grenada’s Maurice Bishop International Airport, on Grand Anse Beach….